Thursday, March 22, 2007
Big Fat Deal
So what's the Big Fat Deal? Well, at the risk of getting all mission-statementy, I think it's important to call attention to issues of weight in the media, pop culture, and society. If we can convince at least one teenage girl that Ashley Olsen isn't "the fat twin," we will have done our job.
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That? Was an awesome video! Thanks for sharing!
f*cking brilliant. i love when she yells DON'T PUT YOUR LIFE ON HOLD! brilliant :)
I like the bit about telling your true weight. People get so freaked out if you confess to weighing over 200 pounds, like that's the magical "fat" number.
I've never felt so utterly pinned before. Kinda teared up, even. I'm definitely showing people this video.
Dang, I'd so do her. And I'm straight =).
That was truely awesome!!
So awesome. In so many ways.
How fantastic.
I am with Pastaqueen...loved it when she said what she weighs!
love it! love it! love it!
her confidence is so appealing!
Totally awesome!!!! What a woman. Three cheers!!! WE can learn a lot from her. :) Rev. Salveo, health matters, size doesn’t!
Its a great video, with a very solid message. Seriously, I loved it. And she looks great, too. The only thing that got me about it, though, is that in the middle of all of that great, "Hey, don't worry about it, its okay to be fat," talk - again, love it - was that little dig against anyone who might consider slimming down.
Its okay to be yourself. Its okay to be fat. But come on, people, its also okay to lose weight if you want to. Its not impossible, and you're not some kind of traitor if you do.
Can't we all just get along?
I hope she gets a talk show. I'd listen to her on just about any topic.
The only thing that got me about it, though, is that in the middle of all of that great, "Hey, don't worry about it, its okay to be fat," talk - again, love it - was that little dig against anyone who might consider slimming down.
Its okay to be yourself. Its okay to be fat. But come on, people, its also okay to lose weight if you want to. Its not impossible, and you're not some kind of traitor if you do.
Yep. That cynical part of me thinks, "Hmm... it's OK to be so fat when you're in your 20s. But will she be singing the same song when she's older and starts to get the warning signs of diabetes or heart disease?'
The message I ended up with wasn't don't lose weigth, it was: "if you are exercising and eating healthy and you are still fat, it's ok". I like that idea.
I liked the message overall, in particular the "don't put life on hold" idea. I think she totally rocked the attitude, which is great. But I do have to agree with Richard and Susan on her little dig in the middle. I'm talking about where she refers to the percentage of people who lose weight and then gain it back. She says something along the lines of "That's everyone," as though it is absolutley impossible to lose weight and keep it off, and you're an idiot if you try.
I'm not saying her information is wrong, but her spin on it hit me the wrong way. Perhaps I'm oversensitive, though, as I've lost over 50 pounds, and definitely don't want to gain it all back. That, and my health has improved dramatically as a result of the weight loss -- my sleep apnea went away, my blood pressure is in a healthy range now, I have more stamina, etc.
I agree with her that if we exercise, eat right and are still fat, it's OK and we should celebrate our health and our fabulous, curvy, chubby, extreme sexiness. Not 30 lbs from now, right now. And H&M and all the rest can kiss my ass with their size 00s.
I also loved her take on "hey, that guy might not be a fat bigot, maybe he just doesn't like my T-shirt." I've made the assumption "they think I'm gross because I'm fat" assumption more times than I can count.
I thought the message was a good one, but I agree about the dig on people who lose weight. There are plenty of studies that show weight loss is maintainable if you have good habits.
Also, I disliked the part where she talked about genetics being the greatest factor in obesity. Any geneticist will tell you that the increase in obesity numbers cannot be accounted for genetically. It would take many generations for that change to occur if it was motivated strictly by genes.
Still, she rocked overall.
She was awesome and gorgeous, and I too think the thing about putting your life on hold was very good to hear.
Also, I disliked the part where she talked about genetics being the greatest factor in obesity.
Me too. It's like giving people with obese parents and grandparents a get of jail free card. I had a think about that bit - my maternal grandmother was obese. I never knew my paternal grandparents but my father was obese as a teenager. Does that mean the deck is stacked against me? Yes. Does it mean I have an excuse to be fat? No.
This meant so much to me today. I've been doing that whole "Fat Is A Death Sentence" thing lately and filling my energetic, generally very healthy self with negative messages that I'm going keel over from a heart attack. That's all I ever HEAR!
I weigh 216 lbs. -- less than the gorgeous, zaftig Ms. Nash -- and I didn't think she looked fat at all. So this was just the alternative message I needed to counteract the shit in my head.
Bless your heart for posting this.It's good to be reminded of real dieting statistics, too.
Joy models for our company (Jahqoi). And I'm so proud of her for speaking out on behalf of big girls everywhere. She's beautiful, inside and out. For those who don't know, she's also an actress. I hope this 'fat rant' video brings her the attention and opportunities she deserves.
Perfect name for a perfectly wonderful person! Joy rocks!
As a former "skinny" neurotic, I've been shy and self-critical about the weight I'm carrying now. Having gained nearly 30 pounds over the past few years - due to the "natural" aging process" (do I hear another rant coming on???) and many years of incompletely resolved depression - it was a treat to watch this.
I'm discovering clothes that fit [1x and up, as necessary], and exercising to feel better [not to lose weight, although that would be an okay side effect].
No more putting life on hold until a certain number appears on my scale! Thanks Joy!
It is NOT okay to be fat. It is not beautiful either. Keep telling yourselves that and you will be very sorry when you are my age, 47. What a crock.
Please write anything else!
Great video! But I have saw many videos on one bbw dating club So many big beautiful women and hot guys uploaded videos on this site. Maybe you can go to check it also.
NO!!!! it is not ok to be fat-the girl in this picture must be some kind of freak of nature-she was way too pretty to be fat-really have never seen that before.
fat people are disgusting and hidiously ugly-we should all be tied to a steak and force fed veggies and water till we are fit to join the human race.
NOBODY loves fat people
It's ok to make a video like that to help people who are overweight to feel less "pressured".
But somehow she's suffering from it because when you truly don't care of what others say, you don't "make fun" of it.
She's kinda trying to convince herself she's ok with it, but if she was offered the possibility to be thin (not skinny) in one day and stay it forever, I'm pretty sure she would take it.
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