Another Piece of the Elephant
Courtesy of Wendy at Pound:
"I did get paid to watch her flail around and scream hoarsely out her car window at the drive-thru about how she didn't get her order of fries, which, if you know anything about the mysterious and reportedly hilarious ways of fat people, is NOT something an actual fat person would ever do, since they do everything they can to avoid public displays of blatant fattery."
"I did get paid to watch her flail around and scream hoarsely out her car window at the drive-thru about how she didn't get her order of fries, which, if you know anything about the mysterious and reportedly hilarious ways of fat people, is NOT something an actual fat person would ever do, since they do everything they can to avoid public displays of blatant fattery."
This reminds me of a study I once heard about obese people and thin people. They were taken in a room and given a plate of food each. There was more food in the refridgerator which they were allowed to get up and take at any time.
The thin people made gluttons of themselves. The overweight people only ate what was on their plate, then sat there.
Funnily enough, the hypothesis to the experiment was directly the opposite to the *gasp* shock of the psychologists and scientists!
...When asked if we could guess the outcome of this experiment (in class), I was the only one who guessed it right, to again, the befuddlement and astonishment of my fellow students and professor.
Oh, the humanity! Fatties who ..Don't EAT LIKE HOGS! How can they exist in this realm of reality?
...Ever go to a Golden Corral and watch the skinnies belly on up to the buffet and come back with fifteen plates?
Thanks, Kristie for portraying yet another false stereotype about the fat to amuse a nation of ignorant, predujiced idiots.
Bitch. She's not good enough to be called fat. She's a common swine hog.
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