Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Open Thread

While I'm gone, the lunatics will indeed run the asylum. And by lunatics I mean you fine people, and by asylum I mean this open thread. Post your links here, and chatter away! I'll see you when I return!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did any of you happen to see a recent Ann Coulter column (
where she wrote the following blather?

"How many people have to die before the country stops humoring feminists? Last week, a defendant in a rape case, Brian Nichols, wrested a gun from a female deputy in an Atlanta courthouse and went on a murderous rampage. Liberals have proffered every possible explanation for this breakdown in security except the giant elephant in the room — who undoubtedly has an eating disorder and would appreciate a little support vis-a-vis her negative body image."

The whole column is about how women shouldn't be police officers, but I found it quite cruel to her own sex that Coulter apparently thinks all women (or maybe just all women who claim "feminist" as a part of their way of thinking) have eating disorders. Too bad we can't all be perfect like her. Ugh.

I won't say more here, but I wrote a post about it on my own site. (

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow- talk about skimming an article and taking the perspective completely out of context! Cruel to women re: eating disorders? How the hell did you get that out of this article? The "giant elephant" remark was satorical- not her own opinion if you are referring to that one sentence out of this whole article.

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kirstie Alley link of the day:

Seems most people dislike her show, this article said 70% of viewers dropped off between the first episode and the second.

If you haven't seen it, you can watch one episode on the web:

2:56 PM  
Blogger K said...

Yeah, I do!
I saw a review of the opera for which Deborah Voight was replaced by someone thinner, and apparently the someone thinner was not at all good... The review stated definitively that Covent Garden had sacrificed the quality of the music to their design considerations.

I think the decision to have major surgery must be an awful one to make - and at least Voight had already made that decision for her own reasons, rather than the Covent Garden fiasco being the catalyst. Whether or not we think she was sensible to risk her livelihood on being thinner, it is her voice and her body.

On the other topic: I wish "feminist" wasn't still a dirty word... I don't know anything about Ann Coulter, but can't help feeling that she must have benefited from the women's movement as we all have in the Western world, and therefore it's rather hypocritical of her to dump on feminism, whatever she believes about women not being strong enough to be police officers.

To me, the major question is why the police officer had a gun to grab. In Britain, there is sufficient security at courts to ensure that no member of the public or prisoner would bring a weapon in, so the police within the court do not need them either. But then we have a completely different culture regarding guns, and many of us are very uncomfortable with the idea of armed police under any but the most extreme circumstances...

3:19 AM  
Blogger K said...

Yeah, I do!
I saw a review of the opera for which Deborah Voight was replaced by someone thinner, and apparently the someone thinner was not at all good... The review stated definitively that Covent Garden had sacrificed the quality of the music to their design considerations.

I think the decision to have major surgery must be an awful one to make - and at least Voight had already made that decision for her own reasons, rather than the Covent Garden fiasco being the catalyst. Whether or not we think she was sensible to risk her livelihood on being thinner, it is her voice and her body.

On the other topic: I wish "feminist" wasn't still a dirty word... I don't know anything about Ann Coulter, but can't help feeling that she must have benefited from the women's movement as we all have in the Western world, and therefore it's rather hypocritical of her to dump on feminism, whatever she believes about women not being strong enough to be police officers.

To me, the major question is why the police officer had a gun to grab. In Britain, there is sufficient security at courts to ensure that no member of the public or prisoner would bring a weapon in, so the police withing the court do not need them either. But then we have a completely different culture regarding guns, and many of us are very uncomfortable with the idea of armed police under any but the most extreme circumstances...

3:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kirstie Alley link of the day:

Kirstie has a blog?

7:39 PM  
Blogger Kendra said...

There's an article in yesterday's Salon on Torrid and the very slow moving but still positive developments in plus-sized fashion:
(Non-subscribers have to watch a quick commercial to read this)

And there's been a raft of kick ass letters in response:

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Article on Why Adolescent Girls Become Obese:'s

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nice forum design. Okay, I need your help.
So, I wanna make personal site, and I am looking for site template.
Can you advice some online place or other resource where I can find many site templates?

It would be better if it will be free:)
I think many of us have personal sites, do you design it yourself?

Regards, Bill.

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:15 PM  

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