Friday, February 03, 2006

Giant Boobs (Welcome, People Searching For Porn)

Musician Candye Kayne is being discriminated against for her weight. It turns out that the cover image for her CD features her cleavage, and newspapers, magazines, and clubs are either refusing to run it, or putting bars across the "offensive" areas. A picture of her cleavage is included in the article, and I do have to say, it is spellbinding. Ms. Kayne has this to say:

"I am always amazed as to what constitutes obscenity in this country. Why is a fat girl's cleavage more offensive than a thin girl's cleavage? Cher, Madonna, Brittany Spears and countless others have all worn dresses cut so low that another inch would show their navel, pubic hair or lack thereof. They parade around on prime time awards programs and are never censored...I will continue to wear a bathing suit at the beach, low-cut dresses on stage and in photographs and no amount of scorn, censorship or `NO FAT CHICKS' stickers will make me shut up and disappear."

Thank you to reader Alison, who sent this my way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Candye Kayne? Is that her stripper name? Is a simple bar even enough to hold those puppies back?

I don't think it's offensive, it's more of a public safety issue. Someone could very easily lose an eye!

While, I sympathize with her plight, if her poster was similar to the CD cover shown in that photo, it's not difficult to see how the restaurant might not want that image associated with their business. They have every right to do it, and it wouldn't be the fact that she's fat that they're covering up, but the overtly sexual implication of "HI, LOOK AT THESE BABIES!" I defy anyone to look at that picture, and not have the words "stripper", or "porn star" immediately pop into their mind.

Assuming the poster was similar to the CD cover, it would be hard to deny that she's making a specific effort to draw more attention to her breasts, than her musical talents.

If MTV is ok with parading something similar around on primetime TV, that's their choice to make, bullshit FCC guidelines notwithstanding. A restaurant may, or may not want to make that same choice, and they're not automatically wrong for making it. Just because something is considered appropriate in one situation, doesn't mean it's appropriate in all situations, or even all similar situations.

3:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

While she makes an excellent point and I salute her for her kiss my ass attitude, I thought it was obscene looking as well.

It had nothing to do with her size (well, partly with the fact that the cleavage is the length of my arm). The shot just looks kind of pornographic to me - I think because the only time I've ever seen boobs that big in something revealing has been in some lovely homemade porn.

It still doesn't make it right that they would not show her cleavage when they show a deeper cut on others, but I don't think it has much to do with her being fat.

7:01 PM  
Blogger lauramich said...

Oh, good grief! If they can't handle Candye Kane's cleavage, then there's no way they can handle her music! Kane is, in fact, an ex-porn star, and her music is very sexual. Hell, just check out the song titles!

I happen to lurrrve me some Candye Kane, but no, she is not necessarily appropriate for all audiences.

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This seems like a comparable picture of Britney Spears in that it is a similar pose, shows her bare shoulders, cleavage on view (minus the floofy feathry hot pink clothing, which sort of screams 'stripper' to me).

Would everyone expect similar censorship of this photo? (I.e. restaurants, bars, newspapers refusing to publish it without a black bar over her breats). I don't think I would; I don't think I'd expect it to create any controversy at all.

Which means Candye Kayne might have a point, it probably is b/c of her size/weight that her similar photo is being censored.


10:52 PM  

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