Monday, March 27, 2006

Would You Ever Date A Fat Girl?

The girls over at Fatty McBlog posted an ad on Craigslist New York asking that question:

"Our ad, entitled Would You Ever? said: 'Would you ever date a fat girl? What if she were "perfect" in every other way except she carries a lot of extra weight? What if she were intelligent and funny and interesting and pretty and had a great job, but she was a bbw (and not just a little chubby)? Would you ever consider dating her? Would you rather date someone really ugly or really fat? If you wouldn't date a fat girl, please include your reasons.'"

They posted the answers, which I read with fascination.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good looking out, Mo. Although insanely long, I am proud of my riposte to the Craigslist mouth-breathers and so will post it again here:

Not surprised. What we're REALLY dealing with is finding a man sufficiently secure NOT to be obsessed with what his friends/employers/etc. think, to the exclusion of what he thinks.

(For edification, read/see Neil LaBute's "Fat Pig" -cruel characterizations, but I'd rather see people for what they are and know what I'm dealing with.)

Now, in hopes of making us feel better, I just HAVE to fire a couple rounds in some of these:

"- honestly i would not date a fat girleven if she is 23even though im in my late 40sbecause her being fat demonstrates that she doesnt respect herselfand if she doesnt respect herself, i know that down the road that she wont respect meand second, it just isnt attractive from an evolutionary standpoint..."

Aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha. From an evolutionary standpoint, judging on the basis of sentence completion ability, this guy's genes should be ORDERED to step out of the pool.

Paraphrasing Stephanie - "130 lbs fat - I think that guys are totally clueless!!!"

True. In part, comes from all of us lying about our weight, but guys have VERY FEW accurate perception skills when it comes to this.

So IMO we should continue to lie and confuse them further; perhaps at some point that will help them understand that ACTUAL WEIGHT matters less than they think. :D

"women might be able to get slimmer, but guys can never get taller"

Now officially FALSE. Just like we have WLS over here (although I wouldn't have it unless my condition was life-threatening), they have surgeons (at least in China) who will put pins in your legs so you can be taller (since they've swallowed the Western ideals of height dominance).

So short men whining now have the choice to suffer the kind of hell (surgical and otherwise) that we put ourselves through in part to be appealing to them, or SHUT THE **** UP!!!!

"One of the ones I've gone out with had amessy apt, never cleaned the coffee maker... that kind of thing (I rarely see it with thin girls)"

THIS guy has clearly never been to a MAN's house, thin or fat -- have you SEEN some of their coffee-makers?

As for the guys speaking about how bigger women are preferred in other countries, look a little deeper and you will see the same competition - it's just about the men wanting the women to be LARGER than other mens' wives, as opposed to SMALLER. The common thread there is that it's still about the world's perception of THEM.

What we are looking at is men who are obsessed with HOW THEIR PARTNERS REFLECT ON THEM, rather than the relationship itself. Selfish, self-absorbed. What we are LOOKING for (admittedly harder to find, but oh so well worth it) are men who are sufficiently worldly, generous and sophisticated to see BEYOND THEMSELVES. (Particularly given the fact that they're in a RELATIONSHIP. D'oh!)

Sorry 'bout the book-length post, people; I just needed to point and laugh to shake off those grislier Craigslist vibes.

Carry on.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Hey! Fat Girl! said...

Those responses made me laugh till my big fat belly hurt.

7:13 PM  
Blogger LME said...

Oooh. I'll have to go over there and check that out. People on Craigs can be so hateful.

Back when I was in a really bad place in my life, I'd go to Craigslist and search the word "fat" on Rants and Raves and beat myself up with what I read there.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Jennette Fulda said...

The grammatical errors, they burn.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Kendra said...

Wow. Ya know, I wouldn't WANT to date anyone shallow enough to base their dating decisions on physical attributes only. I've found that those types of people aren't what I look for in a partner: fun, funny, and intellectually stimulating. Have fun with your boring, prissy, money- and status-obsessed but -hey-they're-CUTE girlfriends!

10:19 AM  
Blogger V.A. Jeffrey said...

I have often found that they aren't even really THAT cute. Nor are the guys doing the dissing.

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think.. fat women.. arent worth it.. as they would have many problems regarding their health.. hip problems. hard disease, blood pressure, diabetes.. and to name a few others..

She would be no fun to be with.. as she cant walk , climb up the stairs.. if she is beyond 25 ...

I knew a 22 year old 275 year old Fat girl . She is very ugly and physically unattractive..but i was suprised that she wants a "handsome" guy.. even though she is a lazy ass .. who might have never ever walked on our planet lol ..

Maybe men want skinny girls for a reason .. they know how to take care of themselves..

- Squire

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fat girl you dated was 22 years old and 275 years old? That makes her 299 years old! At that age, she might well be unattractive, but she really has earned the right to date whomever she wants.

12:50 PM  
Blogger Hey! Fat Girl! said...

Can someone tell me what "hard disease" is? I need to know so I don't catch it.

5:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think.. stupid men.. arent worth it..
as they would have many problems regarding their brains.. sentence problems. small penis disease, low cortical pressure, teeny vocabulary.. and to name a few others..

He would be no fun to be with.. as he cant talk , carry on a conversation.. if it is beyond sesame street ...

I knew a 22 year old 275 year old stupid man . He is very ugly and physically unattractive..but i was suprised that he wants a "beautiful" woman.. even though he is a lazy ass .. who might have never ever walked on our planet lol ..

Maybe women want smart men for a reason .. they know how to take care of someone besides themselves..

(At least I don't have to wonder why he posted anonymously.)

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would date a fat girl,I don't really care how much a girl weighs.

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missy -

Don't dis "Sesame Street."

It is popular viewing among the intelligent single-digit-age set in our neighborhood, and I have collected all the Electric Company DVDs as I was a devout viewer in my own single-digit-hood.

As to the rest of your post...


2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a fairly large guy at 6' 220 lbs. It's not that I hate fat girls, I just don't find myself attracted to them. I mean, I have recently had four women who are shorter and heavier than me really want to date me and I politely declined. All four were very sweet and had a lot going for them, but in fairness to them I couldn't date them and wonder about dating another girl who is just as nice and 100 pounds lighter and more attractive.

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think guys are so stupid if they hate fat girls i wiegh 140 and im a kind not a teen i used to have a boyfriend and he thought i was smokin hot so does my resent boyfriend and for all u guys go **** your selfs and to tell u the truth i learned to show off my fat ugly body and every one loves it so girls show it

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a lot of it has to do with society. We are living in a day & age when a size 6 is in the plus size section. As for the guy who said that he didn't want to date the girls who are shorter & heavier, well the ball swings the other way. You say you're a bit heavy-would you be upset if she said that you are too big for her? I get the impression that you've never had that said to you, so I hope that at least one girl says it to you so you can understand multiple view points.
Speaking of which, girls are getting to be just as judgemental as guys are. Girls will be just as nasty & shallow when it comes down to it. I am a big girl, and do not have much success in men. After a bit of soul searching I realized that I've turned away men who would be great for me, but are not as attractive (size or looks-wise) as the Keanu look-alike. I was pretty surprised when I realized that I was almost as shallow as the guys who have dissed me in the past. (The difference being that I wasn't an buttmunch in turning me down.)
Still, I do agree that guys need to stop being so shallow about girl's weight. Sure, that other girl may weigh 100 lbs less, and may be just as nice, but does she have as much in common? If you had been talking to all three on the internet, would you really go for the skinny girl?
One thing I do have to say in defense of some of the guys who say they want a skinny girl-a lot of it has to do with how you view yourself. If you see yourself as hideous, then that's how they'll see you. If you go out that door thinking that even if Aphrodite herself fell out of the sky there's no one hotter than you, then that's what they will pick up. Dudes dig confidence as much as chicks do.
We still need to tie down the size -4s and stuff a feeding tube full of Big Macs down their throats, though. ;)

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

**Would you like to be ignorant? Spell things horribly & have the grammar of a 1st grader? Well have we got the post for you! Just read on & sympathise as you feel the IQ points dropping off!**

I think.. fat women.. arent worth it.. as they would have many problems regarding their health.. hip problems. hard disease, blood pressure, diabetes.. and to name a few others..

**Wow, sage advice coming from a guy who's love life was interrupted by carpal tunnel syndrome.**
**Blood pressure is a disease? Then I guess we're facing an epidemic! Darn you hard disease! Why can't I have the disease that is medium difficulty!**
**Hip problems? No problem! With Hip-Anonymous we can have you being funky-groovy-keen in just 10 easy steps!**

She would be no fun to be with.. as she cant walk , climb up the stairs.. if she is beyond 25 ...

**25 what? Hits with a heavy mallet? I think I'd be beyond walking or climbing stairs at that point as well.**

I knew a 22 year old 275 year old Fat girl . She is very ugly and physically unattractive..but i was suprised that she wants a "handsome" guy.. even though she is a lazy ass .. who might have never ever walked on our planet lol ..

**Hey, when you get to the age of 275 you can claim that age for as long as you like. Besides, when you look like Grandma Moses there is nothing that botox can do for you anymore.**
**Very ugly? Physically unattractive? Oh wait, let's move that mirror out of the way so you can see this girl.**
**A handsome guy never walked the face of the earth? Now I know you've been looking into the mirror.**

Maybe men want skinny girls for a reason .. they know how to take care of themselves..

**They know to put the drain stopper in the shower stall so they don't fall down the drain.**
**Sure, and the skinny crackhead on the corner is the pillar of modern health.**
**Reason? Never ask for reason from a girl who states that lists sticking her finger down her throat as a hobby.**

- Squire

**Who, no so sadly, will never ever be a Knight.**
**Man, did that ever work! I used to be able to do complicated equations, but now all I know how to do is belch some of the alphabet! A B C Z Q F D! H I S E RDZES!!!**
**This guy reminds me of the "Nobody says they want to be a Junkie when they grow up" drug ads of the 80s.**

8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good posts.

Now, first off I would like to say that I am a guy, who has a girlfriend qualified by some as a "fat pig." She used to be resented and mocked by everyone on her street and at school. Some years ago she walked into the bookstore I worked at. She bought a book, I think it was a terry pratchett or something rather. She came back at closing hours, waiting outside, it was snowing, in a wornout , thin, cute jacket, I don't now for how long, maybe half an hour. Anyhow, when I came out she grabbed me by my scarf and kissed me. Then she told me that she really liked me, looking at her feet all awhile, all red in the face, and that she didn't mind if I didn't like her, only if it was because of her looks she would just beat me up or worse. I told her I would let her know if she bought me dinner, and we've been going out for 3 years now.

Today, no-one dares insult her, as they know that I suffer from a tragic lack of tolerance for pricks and bitches. I have, once or twice, had to beat up someone rather badly, but apart from that my girlfriend, who is smart, cute, very funny and at times silly, now have the confidence and self-esteem of a greek godess. (A fair comparison, if I may.)

In the beginning, people would often ask me what the hell I saw in her. (I'm a looker myself, or have been told so, quite tall, glasses, slender and black long hair my Anna can't keep her hands off'f) She is, after all, a complete nutter, clumsy and whiny. She is rude, confused, emotional, lazy and sometimes quite mean.

I would then answer, "Well, yes. And I adore all those things about her. Got a problem with that, d'ye?" Then I get really close and smile. (Vampiric, Anna says.)

So. "Would I ever date a fat girl?"

Yes. And I'd bring chocolates, too.

Excuse the long post, by the ways. I'll just finish up by saying that a sci-fi film, popcorn, snuggling, and hours of braiding my hair awaits, with the possible result of hot sex in the shower.

- Vincent R., your average londoner

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with women who have a few extra pounds. I have dated all kinds of women. I have seen thin women who had decent bodies but weren't attractive at all. I have seen larger women who were pretty and unbelievably hot. I find that some thin beautiful women are spoiled rotten have bad attitudes and are used to getting any thing they want. So much to the point that the hot piece of ass is not worth the trouble. And just because they have a hot body does not guarantee that they will be any good in bed.I have married friends who have hot wives and their lives are pure hell who can attest to this.
I have been with larger girls that were attractive and have given me some of the hottest sex of my life. I prefer someone who has a pretty face takes care of themselves, educated, smart with money. has a personality and wants to have fun. Yes I do have limits. Morbidly obese is not attractive. Neither is missing teeth, bad hair or not showering for a week. You know what I mean. If some one is attractive they are attractive whether it is a size 8 or an 18 If you have the right stuff on the inside then a little extra belly fat on the outside is plenty good by me.

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not date a fat girl that was "perfect" because if she was fat she wouldnt be perfect! If you dont think a girl is prety how would you ever get in that "oih this person is so perfect!" mood? its all a fiction anyway. falling in love or having a crush makes you THINK the person is perfect. Its a chemical reation. If the person is not attractive then there is no spark.

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fat girls??? y not?? i have dated a couple of fat girls just to find out that they r tighter and lot sexier than the girls who just gets blown by a touch of air..matter of fact..fat girls are sexi and full..if u have heard about and watched this...real women have curves...
fat girls...if u lookin for a date. u got mah back girl!!

7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, I have never ever in my life seen a very attractive thin woman with a fat guy. How many BBWs would go out with a fat guy or not so handsome guy if they weighed 120 soaking wet? Probably far less than the men who find BBWs attractive. Shallowness is not just a man think. I am an average looking guy at best and never have anything but BBWs and women of average looks contact me. Sorry but quit bashing guys!

5:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its funny to hear all these opinions and see how worked up people get. Really am disgusted though at all the ranting feminist.... you talk about unattractive!! I'd date a fat girl any day to one of you guys. I'm a rather tall and fairly attractive guy... but always felt on of "skinny".. Its really the same thing as being fat. I like all sorts of women... skinny, fat, spanish, middle eastern, blonde, brunette, etc... It really has to do with the way she wears it... I've learned this for myself... if you act like a skinny guy then you are one... I've learned though that skinny is 'in' like a rockstar! Thats the way I roll and it works. So same goes for being fat.. Show some confidence in who you are and roll with it!

Anon.. Newport Beach, CA

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I think part of being fat is that you have to be defensive and retaliate with egregious speech. Fat people are just lazy and most of the time are pushy. However, it's easy to hurt their fat feelings despite the rough exterior they present. Truth be told, I would not date a fat chick. My kids won't be fat. If I were a dictator I would set up a system so that fat people would only be able to purchas food with exercise credits which they could earn by exercising.

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to date a fat girl. I love fat girl, I think they are sexy... i do not care about people said I "love fat girls". (

1:40 PM  
Blogger no matter what said...

ok well you have to say thet no matter who you are you can be shallow at times and no one is perfect includeing me. and for your information im a fat woman and im not lazy or unhealthy i workout everyday i get up at 6:00am and go for a run or a jog for an hour or a half an hour and come home and do sit ups and/or crunches. sometimes its genetics. so ya some fat people are lazy but some arent. ive been heavy since i was little and i tried everything and u kno wut yes i lost weight but there is a certain weight i cant get past. and when i was in my teens all my friends told me if they were a guy they would date me. beauty is only skin deep.

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and i knew a few very heavy guys who refuse to get to kno bigger gals or even say "hey" and that bugged me cuz after i got to kno them we became like best friends and we went(and still) go to the gym together. 1 of them lost ALOT of weight and was skinny,nice and beautiful and the guys who refused to talk to her were all over her now and that made me realize how shallow we all can be at times

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and for the anonymouse guy who was dissing fat girls i bet your just saying all that **** cuz your gelous that no bigger girls want to go out with you and keep turning you down.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't who you decide to date going to depend on whether you like them or not? If you like them and they're *Fat*, so the hell what? If you like them and they're *Skinny*, so the hell what? You can be likeable either way, but it should depend on if you like them for them, and everything that comes with them. "Would you date a fat girl?" is one of the stupidest questions ever. Its like saying "Would you date a skinny girl?" What would you say to that? You can't judge if you'll like someone by either of those questions.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am a size 12 and i have dated a guy whom is as skinny as a stick. he loved me totally for who i am.
i have never seen the point of being skinny. i still dont.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My astronomical hatred for fat chicks will never die. I couldn't care less about the fact that they are unattractive slobs, or ''Porkers'' as I like to call them. A wide majority (Pun intended) of fat girls/women are pure, and plain evil. I've encountered many fat chicks in my life, and anytime I put so much as a shred of trust in one of them, they betray the hell out of me. Sometimes, I never say a word about them, and suddenly, they to do something evil to me without warning, or so much as a REASON. ''Porkers'' only want to make everyone else feel as miserable as them, which would be the most logical reason for their evilness. Fat women only think it's their horrifically grotesque appearance that makes them so unsavory, when in realty it's the fact that you can't even trust about 95% of them.
(Of course, pregnant women are the exception from this blog.)

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't date fat girls, being fat and overweight is a clear sign of not taking care of your own body and if you can't take care of you own body then what are you going to take care of?

Also I don't find rolls of fat on a girl in any form sexually attractive. I prefer toned and more athletic type girls since I am athletic myself.

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This bullshit about fat chicks "not being able to take care of themselves" is just an excuse. A lot of skinny girls get less exercise than fat girls but just have a faster metabolism. No matter what the size the girl you love is... she can still either gain or lose weight. Would you still love her then?

5:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Judging by some of the comments from the Skinny girlfriend brigade would you really want to date such pillocks???

These types are usually totally insignificant and these types are probably obsessing over their imagined good looks and charm as we speak.

Even when I was skinny I dated chubby blokes because they were far more interesting than the types writing anti fat bollocks on this website.

My suggestion is not to categorise any woman or man whether she/he is fat, slim gorgeous or plain. At the end of the day we are all individuals and we should just plump(excuse the pun)for the PERSON who makes us feel the world is better with them in it.

12:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Absolutely not, you should not date a really fat girl under ANY circumstances. Girls who are really fat usually come with ALOT of baggage no pun intended but there is a reason why they're so big. Most have serious emotional issues and, take it from me, it's impossible to have a normal healthy relationship with one. RUN!!

10:41 PM  
Blogger Athena said...

Why not date a fat girl? Why are we even treating fat girls like they are their own species. They're human. Just larger humans. So if you're human, and I'm human too...why the fuck can't that mean we're on the same team?

In any case, yeah I think if guys were encouraged more and scorned less when it came to who they dated, dating a "fat girl" *gasp*, wouldn't be as big of an issue.

So. Try it out. Date a fat girl.

9:25 PM  
Blogger dibhotman said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:50 PM  
Blogger dibhotman said...

I met my girlfriend about 6 months ago. I was drunk and flirting with her that night. The next day my friends all asked me what the hell i was doing. I told them i must have been out of my mind. When in the back of my mind i was thinking, "wait, what is wrong with her? She was funny, really nice, and fun she just has a little extra weight." So what?

So i contined to see her at random parties, i kept hittin on her, honestly not giving a fuck what my friends think. After a few months later i called her and we hung out, sober! haha for the first time! I enjoyed spending time with her so much. I found out alot about her and my attraction grew stronger. We dated for a while, and just last month i asked her out. I dont care what anyone thinks, just because she is fat doesnt make her unattractive, it makes her just as attractive as any skinny bimbo. It is all perception.

Do what makes you happy. Don't worry about what others will say.

9:51 PM  
Blogger Athena said...

Dibhotman, how old are you?
The only reason I ask is that older men are generally less self-conscious about what others think.

10:31 PM  
Blogger dibhotman said...

I'm turning 19 in december, and my girlfriends 19.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with the guy who said the fat girls are plain evil. I've had the same experience with big women they are cold, bitter, evil chicks. Don't know were it comes from but it's true, they are evil and will turn on you at a drop of a hat. Stay away from really big girls, Seriously.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Athena said...

Moz, have you ever thought maybe that's the KIND of girl YOU are attracting? Happiness attracts happiness...

2:34 PM  
Blogger Athena said...

As for dibhotman, I can only say more men should be as open as you are.

2:35 PM  
Blogger dibhotman said...

Thank you hannah.

10:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If someone is as superficial as not wanting to be with someone because they have some extra weight on, I wouldn't want to date them anyway.
Health problems can also cause obesity. It's not always that the person is "lazy."

5:44 PM  
Blogger fayebeline said...

first of all i would like to say that sphincterchute i am a "fat girl" and my son is not fat at all and if he was i would not care as long as he was healthy and happy i would also like to say that i have read this whole blog and would like to say i am disgusted in the shallowness of a lot of ppl and it is because of ppl like u tht i went thru a phase of hating myself because i was at school and weighed slightly above average and maybe looked a bit chubby and i got tormented like mad altho there was other girls bigger then me in school anyway after this i left school and left home at 16 i stopped eating almost completely just eating dry toast and drinking water every day i went from 12 and a half stone down to 8st 13lbs and i thought i looked great so did a lot of guys but then i realised the guys i was now getting attention from were not the kind of guy i would like to spend time with sure they were fit they were hot but they were complete pricks just after a trophy girlfriend and thats all so i started eating again properly and altho i dont excessively eat i have gone back up to a size 18 and the attention i get is unbelievabel because my personality shines thru because i am now confident and proud of being big because i know i am beautiful and it has made me realise that hiding behind an exterior is boring letting urself go and having fun is what its all about and the guys now like me for me and i can be sure the majority of them are genuine guys because they have got to know me fro the person that i am and not just for my appearance so to all the big girls out there be proud of yourself and fuck what the shalow minded people think its them with the problem not u and if they dont like u for u they arent worth bothering about love faye x x x x

12:15 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:29 PM  
Blogger skinnybitch said...

I am laughing my big fat ass off at all of these people. The funniest of all of them was the one guy that said his kids won't be fat. Karma is a bitch! His kids will be morbidly obese. Since this guy is ignorant, stupid, uneducated, mean spirited, he probably doesn't have a job, has a tiny ity bity peenis, and a brain to match. He lives with his mother, and she tells him everyday how stupid he is, he has never gained respect for women. Therefore he has to degrade women, and he gains his self confidence from his (really stupid) 15 year old girlfriend who still wears a size 0. To validate his worthless existence he gets on here and lets the world know just how stupid he really is. Lets see a picture of him naked so we can all laugh at him!!!

8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi i only ever go with bigger girls there just a good to be wiyh as there skinny counter parts but in my eyes bigger is better

10:44 AM  
Blogger KatyandKathy said...

Wow. Despite some of the meaner comments and even in light of them I am honestly amazed at how many guys on here are fine with bigger girls! It makes me happy! Thanks!

7:04 PM  
Blogger Allsorts said...

Don't ever date a black girl! Trust me, they come with all kinds of emotional issues, I don't find dark skin attractive, and they can't take care of anyone! Black girls are evil! Never ran across one that wasn't!

Why does that sound so much more offensive to you?

Because it's a different kind of racism... body-ism, I suppose. It does come down to we are all human.

One is lucky to find true love in this short life, it should matter not what package it comes in.

11:37 AM  
Blogger Allsorts said...

Don't ever date a black girl! Trust me, they come with all kinds of emotional issues, I don't find dark skin attractive, and they can't take care of anyone! Black girls are evil! Never ran across one that wasn't!

Why does that sound so much more offensive to you?

Because it's a different kind of racism... body-ism, I suppose. It does come down to we are all human.

One is lucky to find true love in this short life, it should matter not what package it comes in.

11:37 AM  
Blogger camifriendsucka said...

Wow, some people are very SMRT haha honestly what does it matter? Im a bigger girl and i get hit on everyday. In fact, today, i had a guy come into my work to ask why i gave him a fake number (i'm currently into someone else but i have issues being rude lol so as for "big girls being evil" get a clue bud, some people are just jerks)im not ugly by no means but i take care of myself. As for that whole "big girls are lazy" really? wow 'cause i go to the gym atleast 4 times a week work full time go to school full time and still make time for my family and a great social life. hmmm, i must be fat because im lazy though right? come on dude you clearly have 2 brain cells, ones in a wheel chair and the other is pushing. haha the last guy i dated was super tall and slim, guess what? he was abusive and a secret drug user. amazing how that works eh? hes skinny so he must take care of himself! Maybe people should think before they open their mouths. Size does not matter. The new guy im into is AMAZING, hes a skinny, awkward guy, but i love him. Hes very smart, funny, and has alot to offer. If he is 300 pounds or 130 why would his personality not matter? what ever happend to loving a person for who they are? its time for people to pull their heads out of their a$$. not everyone can look like they have been airbrushed after all that's what hollywood is for, right? as long as you are HAPPY and HEALTHY then its fine. you can be big and be healthy. i can work out longer then most girls at my gym who weigh 110 pounds. BTW i dont think this is a stupid question. There's no such thing as a stupid question only stupid answers.
Don't be afraid to be who you are. There is always a line people cross. yea being 900 pounds is not healthy, but they are still people. I have seen some FINE men with some really big chicks. ive seen some really FINE chicks with just simply gross men. Ive dated some not so "attractive" people (in whos eyes?) and they were the most amazing people, but i have dated some really "hot" guys and they turned out to be losers, who cant keep a job, think its okay to be smoking rock, and beat their girlfriends. so how can you judge someone on how they look? atleast i can be a person who can honestly say the guy im "seeing" loves me for ME. not because i look good on his arm. He loves me because we have the chemistry, because we can talk about anything, because we both have similer life goals. I love him because hes smart! He makes me laugh so hard, to the point i will think about what he said two days later and still laugh. He dosnt judge me on my flaws or crazy family lol. He is everything my ex wasnt. physicaly and mentaly. So im going to take my FAT ASS back to my very busy life, and enjoy knowing there are people as stupid as some of the guys on here, and know that i dont have to date any of them!


5:35 AM  
Blogger kashmirxxx said...

Man I'm a thicker girl size 16 my mens love use to be smaller but when I gained some weight from my, the hips ass and everything fell in place.....but what I realize I pull more men being plus size. When I was thin, I always ended up with jerks who just wanted me on there arm like a fucken trophy. Oh by the way I'm also tend to be shallow to shallow people...I use to go for looks but as u get older..I'm 21 now..looks dnt mean shit. I thinks its all about chemistry and that whole vibe thing. I love fat boys..skinny..young..or don't matter just pay my bills on tyme and we seriously....I'm playing, I'm just bord right now, u prolly can tell. Check me out on myspace I need friends..I love people period, and asshole make my day since I'm a pain in the ass...hahaha check me out. I love everyone even the assholes. God is good.

3:07 AM  
Blogger Tripolarluv said...

Fat, skinny, white, black, tall, short, ugly, cute. All just words that don't mean a damn thing. If it did blind people would be screwed. Yes, you must be attracted to person to commit your valuable time to them but you spend more time socializing and realying on people more so than staring at them. We all have standards no matter what we think of ourselves, we just have to weigh out what's most important. If it's looks then go for the 10 who bosses you around like your Jeeves. If it's the connections you want, stop at your favorite store and snag the sweet plumpy chick camped out in the horror section. Or just kick back and relax, with a little patience we can all have the person were dreaming of. Also, us bigger girls are big because of genetics and poor food choices, not because we are lazy ass bitches. I know more lazy skinny people than fat ones. Like I previously read, you can fix fat for cheap, it takes thousands and a miracle worker to fix ugly ass.

3:24 PM  
Blogger emmy4you said...

i want to be link to any fat girl that want intimate fat girls,because they are human not link me to

3:02 AM  
Blogger emmy4you said...

i like fat girls,please to any available one that want intimate relationship.

3:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE Heather's reply!!!

1:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i like fat girls,i want to date any available one from any me

2:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

me and my sisters friend are bigger but we r both gorgouse and smart i have beatiuful blue eyes and thick blond hair and u can't see my ribs and spin sooooo what i rather look like the earser than the pencil plus fat girls give better bj because their hungry

11:38 PM  
Blogger Noone said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:28 PM  
Blogger admin said...

I would totally date a fat girl if .there's chemistry involved.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Iradicate said...

I think fat looks repulsive. I tried dating a chunky girl who pretty much promised me she would only get bigger and is very insecure about her weight. She would not let me see her body, which my imagination probably only made her look worse then reality did. She literally covered my eyes when I was on top trying to look down at her, even though she had a shirt on. How am I supposed to ignore something that repulses me, not just sexually, but asthetically. When I see a fat man I feel just as disgusted, and I'm not sexually attracted to men at all. The fat has to form hanging bulbous rolls because their is no room on the body for it. Then compare that to some nice, firm, smooth skin. Doesn't look like cottage cheese stuffed into a nylon. I'm sorry, and I wouldn't say this to an overweight person's face, but I just can't stand it. Very few overweight people are that way thanks to medical issues. They have a poor diet and not enough exercise. Yes, some people are gonna have to work harder then others to stay thin, watch their calories closer. I liked this girl, but I can't get past that eventually I'm gonna stop seeing her and look for someone I find more attractive. A girl who is skinny can still have an ugly face and a funny shape to her body, and would still be unnattractive, and I have seen a few bigger girls who hold it well enough that they are good looking. For the most part, fat universally looks bad though, it's unnatural looking, the body has to fight harder just to maintain such a weight and it's proven to be unhealthy. In other countries where this is revered it's because that person is known to be wealthy, not because it's so pleasing to look at. Look at how many ugly old fuckers get hot young women thanks to money. Attractivness is half the relationship, if I'm not physically attracted to someone I might as well just call them a friend. Yes, I do work hard for my body, and that's why I am in physically fit shape. I have let myself get chubby before and all I feel is that I'm lazy and overeating when I am like that. Then I buckle down and start shedding the pounds, and I feel and look so much better it makes me keep going. If people were naturally attracted to fat, then that is what they would plaster all over commercials. But it's not as appealing to the masses so they put what will sell. It's not some random choice or some insidious anti-fat campaign that skinny people are portrayed as better looking, it's that they will put whatever will sell their product better. You can't blame society, if you want to blame anyone, blame nature. One thing we look for when choosing a mate is how healthy they are. If your mate isn't taking good care of their body it is a sign of other things that may not be best for breeding. My preference is for a skinny girl. This does not mean I have anything against fat people, I just don't want to have sex with them. A part of me still wants to try and make it work with this girl, I feel we can make ourselves like things if we choose. But I can't risk her heart just as an experiment to see if I can get past something that is so instinctual. So go ahead, call me a jerk, say I'm stupid or shallow. What I really am is honest and real with myself. I am man enough to stand up and say, I don't like this, and I don't think it's okay. Fat people want acceptance and they should be happy with themselves, if they aren't, then fucking lose the weight, if they are, then shut the fuck up. I don't get mad when a girl doesn't want a balding guy, and I can't even change that. There are millions of things that women are picky as hell about, and that doesn't bother me, just move on to the next one. Well guess what, us guys are picky as shit too. So learn to deal with it you overweight whiny bitches, or do something about it.

12:35 PM  
Blogger Adelaine said...

Hi there! This post couldn’t be written any better! Reading through this post reminds me of my good old room mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thank you for sharing! Double your Dating Ebook

1:58 AM  
Blogger Adelaine said...

Great write-up, I?m regular visitor of one?s web site, maintain up the nice operate, and It is going to be a regular visitor for a long time. Big Men Dating

6:39 PM  
Blogger Linzi1985 said...

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9:06 AM  
Blogger Linzi1985 said...

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9:06 AM  
Blogger Linzi1985 said...

Even though this post is old i'll comment anyway as im sure someone will see it in 2011. I am 210 pounds and 5ft 5. I am NOT lazy, i can walk and run perfectly fine. Im tidier and cleaner than most thin folk i know. I know many thin folk who eat shit, who are lazy and dont look after themselves. I can have sex fine, never a problem. I am fat, through bad eating(2 years ago) and im doing something about it. I am technically fit, no diabetes, no high blood pressure and i walk faster than most folk in the city i live int(they all walk at snail pace)

My flat is spotless, in fact, in the two flats ive had, with all thin people, i do ALL the cleaning!

I really think men need to honestly think about this. Weight can be lost and lets face it, its down to what friends/family etc will think. Ive had sex with a good few blokes at the weight i am and they love it!

I personally dont like being fat and it is unhealthy for the body, however, it doesnt mean im lazy/smell etc. As long as a woman/man who is fat keeps themselves clean and looks after their surroundings then what is the problem?

I, as a woman, shower twice a day(3 times if i head out for a night out) i wash my hair daily, keep my clothes clean and shave legs, underarms, down below daily. I have a good education, sense of humour and ive never been in trouble with the law.

There are other factors to take into account, other than just weight. I noticed someone said that big women cant climb stairs? haha what utter rubbish!

These stereotypes need to change!

9:10 AM  
Blogger Sanyo Tzeng said...


4:06 PM  
Blogger Kristin-Danielle said...

Im fat. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS. And no one wants me so I gave up a while back.

8:26 PM  

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