Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Un-Blind My Item

I love celebrity gossip and blind items, and I visit a few websites that attempt to solve them. (I got this one via that Crown Princess place, but it's originally from Page Six.)

"WHICH young Hollywood starlet had secret gastric bypass surgery, but then lost too much weight? During a recent four-day stint at a health clinic, she was actually having an operation to remove the bypass."

After hearing speculation that this referred to Sara Rue, I had to go find some pictures, because I had no idea she had lost weight. She lost weight and went blonde, in fact. Here are before and after pictures. And since that's a really unflattering "before" picture, here's a better one.

First, I totally buy that this blind item is about her. Second, if she wants to go all Reese Witherspoon for the sake of her career, I guess more power to her. I can't imagine that looking like yet another generic Hollywood blonde would be helpful, but let's face it, I'm probably wrong. Thirdly, I am depressed to have lost one of our hot, young, sexy, curvy-chick role models. And finally, I think she was way cuter before. But then again, we all know that girls-who-look-like-me are totally my type.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually heard a similar rumor about Nicole Ritchie- that she initially had to surgery to lose weight and then it went out of control, causing her to look like she does now.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Jennette Fulda said...

I'd heard it attached to Nicole Ritchie too and she denied it to People magazine.

My big question though is it even *possible* to have gastric bypass reversed? I thought it was a permanent, take-pills-for-the-rest-of-your-life, type of surgery. I know lap band surgery allows for removal of the band, but once you've removed part of someone's stomach, how do you put it back?

1:26 PM  
Blogger mo pie said...

I'd heard the Nicole thing too, but I think she just used coke to get skinny.

Weirdly, I had a dream last night that I was going in for gastric bypass, and I had done no research on it, and it was very scary!

1:39 PM  
Blogger Katie Taylor said...

The awful thing?...and I'm disgusted with myself that I even know this...Sara Rue is still "fat." All that effort, suffering and whitewashing out of all signs of personality, and I bet you almost anything Hollywood will still proudly trot her out as their "fat girl," like they do with Kristen Davis.

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara Rue was always gorgeous. I would never even have recognized her had the before and after shots not been side by side, though.

I still can't believe that people call Kristen Davis fat, and I've still never heard that anywhere but here. Though I do remember being surprised to hear Ginnifer Goodwin's character in Mona Lisa Smile described as "the chubby one" after having seen the movie, because... hello? The first descriptor that came to MY mind seeing her was "adorable."

Back on topic, maybe being blonder and more generic will help Sara Rue's career. It certainly got Brittany Murphy a few starring roles even though, frankly, I think she looks terrible and should eat three sandwiches immediately.

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Garden, you are right. That's sad, but true. It doesn't pay to enter the ranks of scrawny blondes. Not only will you get lost in the crowd, you can't compete.

I liked her better before, probably because I found her relatable, but also because she stood out a bit from the crowd. She seemed like a bit of a maverick.

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that this is BFD and not Go Fug Yourself, but it has to be said: Sara Rue has apparently lost her fashion sense, as well as a ton of weight! Her "skinny" dress is seriously frumpy in the first before/after link, and the one in the second one looks like my granny's sofa slipcover.

I really, really, really, really hope the WLS rumor isn't true. Isn't there a cutoff as to how overweight you must be for WLS to be medically indicated? I would never have guessed that she would have even qualified.

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a gatric bypass can't be undone, but a lapband can be removed.

she was so cute before and so real. now she;s just...ahhh...stepfordish!

6:17 PM  
Blogger K.C. said...

I was watching "Two and a Half Men" last week for TEN MINUTES before I realized that Sara Rue was playing a character on the show. She doesn't look like herself anymore! And, you know what, she was playing a "bimbo"... I don't remember her ever being cast as the bimbo when she was a cute chub.

I have to admit though... part of me is a bit jealous at how different she looks. I wonder what I'd look like if I was that thin.

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is my understanding (from a woman who went through WLS), that to be a candidate for the surgery you must need to lose at least 100 pounds. I don't think it's reversible, either, since I always thought that they actually removed... stuff.

From the photos, I can't imagine that Sara Rue (or Nicole Ritchie for that matter) would ever have been a candidate for gastric bypass surgery. She could have had the lap band thing done, though. That's designed to be removable, I think.

8:40 AM  
Blogger anne said...

You need to be above a specific BMI, and/or have several co-morbidities related to your weight - high blood pressure, sleep apnea, etc. to be considered for weight loss surgery. It's not something you do if you want to lose fifty pounds - you go through rounds and rounds of examinations and certifications before you can be approved both by a surgeon and by an insurance company.

And some types of weight loss surgeries are reversible - the RNY does not remove the actual stomach, but staples it off and creates a small pouch. Any intestinal changes can also be reversed. The types of WLS that actually remove a portion of the stomach are not reversible, but the stomach does eventually stretch out.

And it is a goddamn shame she's lost so much weight. She was gorgeous when she was fluffy.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

What ever happened to Rue's sitcom? It was pretty good. And the guy who played her love interest (IF he developed into one) was someone I used to know.

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think she's cute in both pictures, actually.

Sad that she would think her before needed surgery,but she's more believable than Nicole Richie.

7:15 AM  
Blogger Me said...

I agree with Karrie- she is cute in both pics. But I think she looks better in the "after" pics. Funny how we are all trying to lose weight here, but seem to blast those who do it? I am confused.

9:09 AM  
Blogger mo pie said...

I don't think we're "all" trying to lose weight here, that's not really the point of this site.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Me said...

Oh, well, it wasn't meant to be a rude comment. I guess I mistook the overall feel of the site. All the weightloss ads and talk of losing weight. I know I come here to read the good, bad and ugly of the whole weight issue. But, I do agree not everyone here is trying to lose weight- most of the sites I go to from links on here are about it though.

3:22 PM  
Blogger mo pie said...

And I certainly wasn't trying to be bitchy about it. I agree that we all have different attitudes and goals and are kind of trying to figure them out. As for the weight loss ads, yeah. Ironic, eh? We also get ads for ugly plus-sized clothes!

3:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Those standards in order to have gastric bypass surgery are actually outlined by insurance companies..if you are paying cash, you can find a doctor to give you the surgery even if you don't have 100lbs to lose or meet the BMI requirments. Now, most GOOD doctors wouldn't do it..but everyone has a price and in Hollywood..lots of doctors do :)

4:01 PM  
Blogger Crystal said...

This is the first I’d heard that Sara Rue had lost weight, but I’m really disappointed. Part of me says she should do what ever she wants to do, what ever is going to make her happy, but a bigger part of me is really kinda mad at her. I've always liked her & i used to have a boyfriend who liked to compare me to her & i though that was great because she was beautiful. Now, although i guess she still looks good, she looks so generic.

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She looks horrible now. I try not to be so negative- but I think about what she looked like in "Gypsy 83" (FABULOUS!)and now she looks like any other Hollywood clone.

5:24 AM  
Blogger Discover How to Lose Belly Fat said...

The only thing i won't try to lose weight is surgery. We can obtain permanent weightloss if we do exercises and proper diet. Surgeries are really risky in my own opinion!

6:34 PM  

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