Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Men Have It Easier

"British experts agree that men and women respond differently to the energy demands of exercise. Dr Neil King... says that women tend to reward themselves with fatty foods. 'Literature reviews on this subject suggest that female exercisers are possibly more vulnerable to overcompensating on calories than males,' he explains. 'That, combined with the fact that they tend to hold on to their fat stores, means that they have more difficulty losing weight.'”

Not only are men more straightforward about weight issues, their bodies are more efficient when it comes to diet and exercise. Damn them!


Blogger K said...

I don't think women are inferior, but I do agree that we are physically different from men. We do have better stamina, and better resistance to pain (surprise, surprise).

But I also don't think that if men do find it easier to lose weight (and from experience, I would say they do) that that would make them superior, exactly.

I'm slightly peeved that my body is apparently designed so that I would survive (and, I guess, be able to nourish a baby) in a famine. It's not a situation I expect to be placed in! However, I can see that this would probably have conveyed evolutionary advantage at some point in history.

Our Western society has changed a lot faster than our bodies can adapt. We're fighting ancient instincts to get as much fat and sugar as we can, because these are rare commodities and we might not find such a rich energy source again in a long time hunter-gathering.

I don't really have the right to complain, given that so much of the world's population would still find my body-type a survival advantage.

(And as a woman with Asperger Syndrome, I often wish women didn't have a reputation for being "attuned to what others think", because I'm really not. I try my best to be sensitive, but bear in mind that for me it's an intellectual exercise, not instinctive. So I hope I haven't said anything you find dismissive, Roberta!)

2:55 AM  
Blogger Jennette Fulda said...

Heh, heh, when I read "they tend to hold on to their fat stores" I thought they were saying women liked shopping at the plus-size stores. Like they wouldn't lose all the weight because they just couldn't give up Lane Bryant. It took me a second to figure out what they were really saying.

10:23 AM  

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